string table

英 [strɪŋ ˈteɪbl] 美 [strɪŋ ˈteɪbl]

网络  字元串表; 字符串表; 编译表; 串表; 字串表



  1. A string containing tablespace information to be added to each table definition.
  2. The following a Java program inserts a mixed character string that contains both English and Chinese characters into the DESCRIPTION column of TEST_TABLE and to display the result on screen
  3. The INSERT INTO works similarly to SQL, but again, this is URI-based rather than string-, table-, and name-based, which allows the operation to be done across HTTP.
  4. You can assert that a string, table, or a form-input element with a given label is present or not present in the page.
  5. By providing a schema or a table name in the string value, you can easily group all SQLs using a certain schema or table into their own packages.
  6. There are eight fundamental types ( of values) in Lua: nil, boolean, number, string, function, thread, table, and userdata.
  7. You can string together the primitives in Table 1 ( and other operators) and use them in combination to build ( very) complex regular expressions.
  8. The function String() takes a string, string, wraps it in a table ( { value= s or ''}), and assigns the metatable mt to the table.
  9. The innermost print statement utilizes a new concept, called string formatting to create a nicely formatted table.
  10. Recall that the input string contains a full timestamp with date and time information, and you want to populate the TIMECHANGED column in the DB2 target table with only a time value.
  11. The value should be a string that you want to be added to the end of the where-clause when querying the table.
  12. Otherwise, it sets Status to""( empty string) and creates a Notes field for each field read from the relational table with the same name as the table column.
  13. When an entity ( CMP) gets the string from the table, blank spaces are inserted into the result set that can cause the error ApplicationNotFindException.
  14. But the dynamic token can also be an internal table with one column of type string or CHAR.
  15. Although using a string variable is easier, you might need to use an internal table if a remote function call sends the dynamic SQL code.
  16. These arguments point to offsets in a string table.
  17. An error occurred while initializing the caption string table.
  18. No container clause/ string specified. Define it for the newly defined table space.
  19. String replacement source table ( subject to localization)
  20. Please enter a string for this table entry.
  21. If the table_name string contains a period, the value to the left of the period is interpreted as the owner name.
  22. In a nutshell, it captures the HTML string generated by RenderControl and modifies it by adding an extra row with a different background color.
  23. No country code found in connection string for a linked table
  24. Fall in a faint right away after opposing the code there being string behind the work translating others, on computer table.
  25. SQL injection can be judged with reshaping and character string parameters and the aim of injection can be judged according to the type, table name and field name of database.
  26. Besides, the practical measurement results of the motion Characteristics of string table and 6& s table have been illustrated.
  27. The actual case study is used to find out the change rule of fatigue safety coefficient at the risk point of the drill string with well depth, the rotating speed of the rotary table and drilling pressure, which is conducive to the adjustment of drilling parameters.
  28. Conversely, if a single string of the called party if a single table, plus or minus 1 calls, with the caller, then a single string, then the table for more than a single right.